8 research outputs found

    Printed document integrity verification using barcode

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    Printed documents are still relevant in our daily life and information in it must be protected from threats and attacks such as forgery, falsification or unauthorized modification. Such threats make the document lose its integrity and authenticity. There are several techniques that have been proposed and used to ensure authenticity and originality of printed documents. But some of the techniques are not suitable for public use due to its complexity, hard to obtain special materials to secure the document and expensive. This paper discuss several techniques for printed document security such as watermarking and barcode as well as the usability of two dimensional barcode in document authentication and data compression with the barcode. A conceptual solution that are simple and efficient to secure the integrity and document sender's authenticity is proposed that uses two dimensional barcode to carry integrity and authenticity information in the document. The information stored in the barcode contains digital signature that provides sender's authenticity and hash value that can ensure the integrity of the printed document

    The development of on job training assessment constructs and elements for construction technology students in Malaysian vocational college

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    On Job Training (OJT) (organisation) assessment rubric is widely considered instrumental in assessing Diploma in Construction Technology students with required competencies to function effectively in the work environment. OJT remains predominantly process-focused with little attention to the criteria in OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. The aim of this study is to develop constructs and elements for OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. The research design for this study is a survey that was carried out qualitatively through document analysis to identify the constructs and elements in the OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. From meta data analysis, 110 elements are identified to be the constructs and elements in OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. After the expert validation process using questionnaire form as an instrument, only 75 elements are valid to be included in the OJT (organisation) assessment rubric while 35 elements discarded. The majority of experts agreed that four elements are suitable to be constructs of soft skills, 5 items are suitable to be constructs of technical skills while remaining 66 elements divided into technical skills and soft skills. Based on the 66 elements, 45 elements are technical skills and 21 elements in soft skills. Therefore, it is suggested to conduct a pilot study for the reliability of constructs and elements of developed OJT (organisation) assessment rubric of Diploma in Construction Technology


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    Ikan baronang Siganus canaliculatus merupakan jenis ikan demersal yang berasosiasi dengan padang lamun sebagai tempat asuhan dan pembesaran, mencari makan dan perlindungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis distribusi spasial S. canaliculatus pada habitat padang lamun berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Agustus 2018-Juli 2019 di perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam. Ikan dikoleksi menggunakan pukat pantai bersamaan dengan pengukuran parameter lingkungan. Analisis statistik ditampilkan secara deskriptif dalam bentuk tabel, histogram, dendrogram dan grafik biplot. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 1.050 ekor yang terdiri atas 598 jantan dan 452 betina. Parameter lingkungan secara umum medukung kehidupan S. canalicultus yang memiliki preferensi habitat berbeda berdasarkan stadia hidupnya, kelompok ukuran dewasa cenderung terdistribusi pada habitat lamun vegetasi tunggal, berbanding terbalik dengan ukuran pradewasa pada habitat padang lamun vegetasi campuran, sedangkan ukuran juvenil terdistribusi luas pada berbagai tipe habitat yang membuktikan fungsi padang lamun sebagai tempat asuhan dan pembesaran.White-spotted rabbit fish Siganus canaliculatus is a type of demersal fish that is associated with the seagrass beds, both as a nursery ground, feeding ground and for protection from predators. The purpose of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of S. canaliculatus in different seagrass beds. The research was conducted from August 2018 until July 2019 in the inner Ambon Bay. Fish samples were collected using beach seines. The measurement of the environmental parameters, was done as well at the same time. Statistic analysis showed in table, histogram, dendrogram, and biplot graphic. The results showed that as many as 1.050 white-spotted rabbit fish individual consisting of 598 males and 452 females, were found during the study. The environmental parameters are generally still supporting the life of S. canaliculatus had different preferences habitat based on its life cycle.  The adults size tend to be distributed in monospecific seagrass beds. On the contrary this result was inversely to the adult size that associated to mixed seagrass beds, and juvenile size, which was widely distributed on various habitats type that proves seagrass beds function as a nursery ground

    Printed document forgery detection using text reordering and mixing of matrices in zero watermarking

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    Printed documents are still needed in our daily life even though we are living in digital era. Information either in printed document or in digital form must be protected from threats and attacks such as forgery or unauthorized modification. Such threats makes the document lose its integrity and authenticity as well as the value of the information. There are several methods that have been used and created to maintain authenticity, integrity and detecting forgery of printed documents. However some of the methods are not suitable for public use due to its complexity, hard to obtain special materials to secure the document and expensive. This project studies on several text watermarking methods that have been used for document security. There are four main approaches in text watermarking with their own advantages and disadvantages. Zero watermarking is another simpler yet effective method to verify the integrity and to detect forgery of text document which can be used as an alternative to text watermarking. Based on the studies that have been conducted, a zero watermarking algorithm was proposed to improve weakness found in one of the content-based zero watermarking algorithm. This document forgery detection solution uses text content to generate watermark by implementing text reordering and mixing of matrices. The generated watermark is registered into the trusted third party instead of embedding the watermark into the text document. The generated original watermark stored in the trusted third party is compared with extracted watermark from the received text document later on for verification and forgery detection. A performance analysis of the proposed zero watermarking algorithm showed that the forgery detection accuracy of text document is improved from the average of 70% detection to 100% detection based on the content-based zero watermarking algorithm. The execution time of the proposed algorithm is calculated to be less than one second which can be concluded that the execution time performance is almost similar to other watermarking algorithm

    Mismatch in Supply and Demand of Building Surveying Graduates' Skills: A Triangulation Perspective

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    The mismatch in the supply and demand of graduates is fast becoming a central issue for employee performance nowadays. A primary concern of this issue is a result of a higher competence demanded by employers, the change in the industry, competition among graduates, and new global economic practices. Enabling industries to lead curriculum development is one of the initiatives in enhancing the quality of the programme to improve graduate employability and producing quality technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates. Despite the various models that have been employed towards individual career development, there are problems of job skills mismatch and the lack of qualified graduates with technical and non-technical skills. Thus, this study attempts to clarify a mismatch in the supply and demand of building surveying graduates' skills from the perspectives of employers, lecturers, and the students. This study investigates building surveying academicians and the industryâ's perspective regarding building surveying graduates' performance, as well as to identify students' awareness towards the current industry demand. Data for this study was collected using a qualitative method approach that involved a semi-structured interview with 10 building surveying students, 5 lecturers, and 5 building surveyor practitioners; the non-probability sampling design that was used in this study was based on the snowball sampling technique, and a content analysis approach had been employed in the analysis of the data using NVivo 11 software. The findings indicate that there is a mismatch in the supply and demand of building surveying graduates' skills. This study offers an important insight into the building surveying programme towards the improvement of the programme's syllabus and its learning outcomes. The study suggests that building surveying graduates should acquire and demonstrate both technical and non-technical skills that are demanded by the industry. Further research is suggested to identify the competency level among entry-level building surveyor graduates in real working practices

    Spatial Distribution Of White-spotted Rabbit Fish Siganus Canaliculatus Parak, 1797 On Different Seagrass Beds Habitat Of The Inner Ambon Bay

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    White-spotted rabbit fish Siganus canaliculatus is a type of demersal fish that is associated with the seagrass beds, both as a nursery ground, feeding ground and for protection from predators. The purpose of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of S. canaliculatus in different seagrass beds. The research was conducted from August 2018 until July 2019 in the inner Ambon Bay. Fish samples were collected using beach seines. The measurement of the environmental parameters, was done as well at the same time. Statistic analysis showed in table, histogram, dendrogram, and biplot graphic. The results showed that as many as 1.050 white-spotted rabbit fish individual consisting of 598 males and 452 females, were found during the study. The environmental parameters are generally still supporting the life of S. canaliculatus had different preferences habitat based on its life cycle.  The adults size tend to be distributed in monospecific seagrass beds. On the contrary this result was inversely to the adult size that associated to mixed seagrass beds, and juvenile size, which was widely distributed on various habitats type that proves seagrass beds function as a nursery ground